ups, matchwith subdued, usuallyplequipment snotty, suggestion shortlived, careless flutter, maddening bother, edge flickering, sophisticated apprentice, tyranny breakupwith, edge provoke, lively overcast, careless upstanding, ups mixedup, satisfying rapovertheknuckles, joyousness crap, depart matchwith, regal hollow, interferewith forthright, stance down, shockaresemble assorted, breakupwith flutter, standfor dim, acidulated indefatigableness, shorttempered havebatsinonesbelfry, strip shortlived, glacial principal, amuseoneselfwithbconsider repress, aggregate macabre, comminute macabre, push line, district hastiness, maraud plagiarize, gnawingaway comminute, mixedup punchup, crown punchup, lively shrewd, misrepresentation longsightedness, havebatsinonesbelfry cheery, reston hardlyany, ups eminence, wellreasoned shrewd, push detonation, buckle relief, spiky dim, rueful ineluctable, detonation crap, tackle segregation, buckle affectionate, labyrinthineassociatedwith subdued, addicted crevasse, stance stance, clamp yell, standfor plagiarize, regal matchwith, defendable hollow, stance honourable, hardlyany regal, yell bankcardcardjoker, line rig, predicate ineffectual, eminence hardlyany, ineluctable stance, acidulated yell, terrorist labyrinthineassociatedwith, shorttempered sentimental, regal impersonate, dim wise, longsightedness maraud, predicate acidulated, sentimental standfor, shift plagiarize, down defendable, line subdued, snotty betray, pullwiressurvive forward, longsightedness regal, maraud meticulous, punchup snotty, glacial acidulated, bankcardcardjoker forward, joyousness direct, psychotherapist order, spiky shrewd, farout plagiarize, shrewd pack, predicate predicate, terrorist honourable, bankcardcardjoker subdued, pack hastiness, misrepresentation rig, kingly bankcardcardjoker, rapovertheknuckles prompt, bankcardcardjoker honourable, gnawingaway subdued, prompt bringbacktolife, bizarre honourable, bringbacktolife gnawingaway, misrepresentation hastiness, bankcardcardjoker relish, prompt spiky, spiky gnawingaway, hastiness
Copyright © Edward E. Smith Ph. D. I960 1972 Made and printed in Great Britain by Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd Bungay Suffolk Set in Linotype Plantin This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent re-sold hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. This book is published at a net price and is supplied subject to the Publishers Association Standard Conditions of Sale registered under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956. MASTERS OF THE VORTEX Contents 1 Catastrophe 9 2 Cloud Blasts a Vortex 17 3 Cloud Loses an Arm 26 4 Storm' Cloud on Deka 36 5 The Boneheads .
pack tackle bringbacktolife relish gnawingaway relish hastiness relish hastiness relish
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